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Do you two hug?




Oh, that's nice. We don't hug. Do you not? No. No, we hold hands. We link arms. We link arms.


Link arms is cool. That's one thing I wish guys could do, link arms. Why? It just feels nice because you're never the one who instigates it. So I'll just be walking and then she'll do that and you're like, Cool. This is nice. I hear you. I don't know. Maybe we could try it one time.


Would you want to be the linker or the linky?


No, you have to link me. The one who initiates the link also rest the head on the shoulder.


Yeah, so that can't be me. It has to be you. So why do I have to do it?


Well, just leverage. But for starters, I'm taller than you. I can't rest my head on your shoulder. I hurt my neck. Well, you can. No, I'm too tall.


Two is not the it's not the adject you want to use. Two is not the objective you want to use on this show. Stop.