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Your name's John Allen. How did Mr. Balen come in? I originally started an account on TikTok under the username, JohnBallen416, but I didn't have any punctuation in it. It looked like J-O-H-N-B-A-L-L-E-N, all mashed together. If you just glance at it, it looks like John Balen. When I was doing my I'm Mr. Navy seal stuff and getting a lot of hate, at the same time, ironically, was getting all these young bucks that are trying to be seals like I was back in the day. They'd be very respectful in their Instagram DMs. They'd say, Excuse me, Mr. Balin, I have a question about the Navy seal training. Can you answer? And I got so many messages, and I stopped correcting them. I'm like, My name is actually John Allen. I was like, Okay, so it just became Mr. Balin. And then I actually very briefly got shadow banned early on in TikTok. I was like, All right, I'll just make a new account. Clearly, there's something wrong with it. And the first name that popped in my head was Mr. Balin. Interesting.