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Is the purpose for everyone the same or is it different depending on who you are? At one level, it's the same, and at another level, it's different. Now, behind everything that we want and seek is the urge to be happy. We all are looking for happiness. And no matter what we decide as our goal, the only reason we strive for it is because we think it will give us happiness. But what is the way to get that happiness? So it is important to define the goals of our life. And that is where people become confused. What should be my goals? So I explain to people that, look, supposing you are having a soccer game where there are 11 players on this side and 11 players on this side, and there are two goal posts. The game is intense. But in the middle of it, if the goal posts are removed, then what remains? So likewise in life, if we don't have clear-cut goals, then life becomes purposeless.