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I can sense so many archeologists getting pissed off with this conversation, and I'm enjoying it. The Egyptians that we talk about in the Egyptian civilization believe that there was a much more ancient race of Egyptians dated back to almost 80,000 BC.


I have looked at that research myself, and I agree with it. Let me give you the evidence you can find from dirt archeology right here in India. How's that? Going back to 70,000 years. Toba explosion. Have you heard this? Okay. The volcano came and it spouted ash all over India, but even the bigger area, Arabian Sea, the evidence can be found everywhere. But if you go to India, everywhere, but Jwalapuram, which is in Karnul district of Andhra Pradesh, stone tools first, as you dig, then you see a ash layer, thick ash layer, and below that, stone tools, which means there were people before using it, there were people after who survived, and it was continuing.


So within the Earth's crest lies the Earth's story. Yeah.