How to force subtitles to appear on Youtube?

André Bastié
André Bastié
Posted in Subtitles
2 min read
How to force subtitles to appear on Youtube?

Adding subtitles to your Youtube video is a great move if you want to increase your viewership and make your content more accessible for deaf and hard of hearing. By default Youtube does not display closed captions. In this tutorial, we will show you step by step what to do

Adding subtitles to your Youtube video is a great move if you want to increase your viewership and make your content more accessible for deaf and hard of hearing.

By default Youtube does not display closed captions. In this tutorial, we will show you step by step what to do to force subtitles to appear on Youtube. Note that this only works if you own the videos, this tutorial is intended for youtube creators.

Before we get started, make sure that you have uploaded your video to Youtube and that you have created and uploaded your subtitles. If you have not yet created subtitles for your video, you can create them using our Subtitle Generator.

How to force subtitles to appear on Youtube?

  1. Login to your Youtube account and open the Youtube Studio.

  2. On the left menu, click on Content

  3. Open the video that you want to work on.

  4. On the tag section, at the bottom of the page, add the attribute yt:cc=on

  5. Save your video!

If you want to embed this video on your website, you will also need to change the embed code to force your subtitle to appear.

  1. In the code, look for the Youtube link. It should look like this :

2. At the end of the Youtube URL, you just have to add ?cc_load_policy=1

3. You're done! You can now embed your video on your website.

How your embed code should look like.

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