Transcribe your podcast

But my dad told me probably last month he went to the gym. He was on the Treaders.


No, I don't want to hear the end of this story. Yeah, his heart couldn't take it. When I woke up in hosp, you're a liar. On my mother's.


You're a liar. On my mother's. Your dad, one minute was on the treadmill and then woke up in hosp.


First of all, that's terrifying. It's not even funny. That's terrifying.


I couldn't believe it. I was like, first of all, when did you start going to the gym? Why are you doing this now? Yeah. And who are you doing this for?


And it's hard to take it. It's hard to take it.


Yeah, number, you, man. I don't care what Ali has said. Age isn't just a number.